
Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Kew Gardens

Last week was rather adventurous.  After our day out to Battersea Zoo, we again met up with Giuliana, Aly and my friend, Jessica to head off to Kew Gardens.

Kew is gorgeous and relaxing.  For the most part.  You can just wander these open gardens and paths and enjoy the serene green trees and along the north side of the gardens, the Thames.  I couldn't believe how quiet it was in the main section of the gardens.  I would love to go back by myself with a book and a bottle of water and find a bench tucked away somewhere and just read for a bit....

But, here we were, two adults and four kids.  Woo hoo.  We set off at first for the Treetop Walkway.  We were a little nervous about climbing 118 steps, but it was no trouble at all and completely worth it! The kids had grand fun wandering the loop and looking out across the gardens.

Then, it was off to find the Barefoot Walk.  That was not at all what I was imagining in my head.  Ha.  I knew the point was to experience different textures with your feet - but ummmmm, OUCH!  Here it is a week later and my left foot still hurts from who knows what I stepped on!!  It didn't seem to bother the kids any.... but I pulled a splinter out of my foot when we got home and my other foot still is sore.  Oy.  Next time, adults keep their shoes on!!

We stopped after the walk to enjoy a little picnic and then it was time to continue.  Next it was off to find the Climbers and Creepers area for some playground fun, a bathroom break and some more water!  What started off as a cool morning was now a HOT afternoon!

The kids found this cool tree on the way to the kids area and had fun ducking under the leaves and climbing inside.  It felt a little bit hobbit-esque to me!

Continued on and we had a good play and the kids got their faces painted.  Atticus was a green lizard, Wren went for Batgirl and Giuliana was a fairy sprite of some kind.  By this point, we were all exhausted and it was time to go home!  Whew... another London adventure checked off the list!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Battersea Zoo

Battersea Zoo is an interesting experience.  You're paying for the playground as much as you are the actual animals.  Actually, you're paying more for the playground than the animals.  And that's OK funny enough.

Our favorite babysitter in London has a part-time job at the zoo, but unfortunately she was off the day we decided to go.

No worries, we still had fun.  We met Wren's bestie, Giules and her family along with another new Canadian friend and her two littles.  We watched the otters have lunch.  We peered in and learned about the meerkats.  And then we played.  Hours and hours of playtime in the sand/water play area as well as the jungle gyms and other climby structures.  By the time we were leaving, I was exhausted and I'd been sitting on a picnic blanket for the most part!  The kids were happily exhausted which was the best.

We stopped at the peace pagoda on the way out of the park....

Friday, August 1, 2014

Atticus Turns 6

A fairly mellow day considering the chaos (and fun) of his birthday party!  Atticus wanted to go to Westfield Mall to visit the LEGO store to build a pack of three figures and to Five Guys for dinner.  Here are a few photos from in the garden, waiting for the tube and at dinner.  :)

Hard to believe this little man is 6 years old.  He has a heart of gold, a love for people and helping others and he's generally a really good kid.  I know I tease about locking him in the Tower of London on occasion, but for now -- I'll keep him.