
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

We're on our way to my cousin Raymond's soon... Details of the day to follow!

Holy moly batman. There were three turkeys, a ham, and at least 2 dozen side dishes -- all that before we got to dessert. Yum. And yes, I did get me some PUMPKIN pie! Homemade too - not the store bought kind. Not that there's anything wrong with the store bought kind (I eat that kind too, no worries!).

I brought over pumpkin cookies - pretty easy to make and quite tasty. I also made Sweet Potato Poppers. They were excellent, but I need to make a few adjustments to the recipe. Essentially, you wrap the mashed sweet potato mixture around a large marshmellow and then roll it in a coconut/cinnamom/sugar mix and bake the little balls in the oven. Sounds good, right. Well... they kind of exploded in the oven. D'oh! Marshmellow was oozing out all over the cookie sheet. Tasted good, just looked a little ugly.

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