
Monday, July 28, 2008

Week One Re-Cap

Well... we survived. There have been tears, diapers and a few sleepless nights - but we've made it through the first week.

Greg, Atti and I came home from the hospital on Tuesday, July 22. Atti weighed in at 7 lbs and 4 oz when we left the hospital. The first night was definitely a learning curve. I'm trying to figure out which cry means hungry, which one is just some bad gas, and which one means get me out of this icky mess of a diaper. (The last one seems to be the most obvious...) Peanut was a bit puzzled over the new addition to the house hold, but she seemed rather uninterested at first. Then Atti decided to cry and momma kitty instinct kicked and Peanut started meowing like crazy too - rubbing on Greg's leg as if to tell us that the baby obviously needed something and couldn't we figure it out and stop the crying?? The trend continues. Peanut will sit at the edge of the bed and watch Atti sleep in the bassinet and if he stirs or begins to fuss, she'll come over and meow at Greg or I. Animal instincts are pretty cool....

We had our first doctor appointment on Wednesday - which went rather well. Dr. Owens said Atti was doing great. There was another slight weight loss by Wednesday -- but at our recheck on Friday he was already back at 7 lbs and 6 oz.

Our big excitement for the week (and the source of much stress and anxiety for me) was giving Atticus his first bath. I was dreading the experience more so than the labor -- and I'm soooo not kidding. And, while we all survived, and I'm now the proud Mom to a clean baby, I think I visibly aged and had heart palpitations the entire time. And then... there was the cleaning up of the bathroom since we had water everywhere, there was tinkle on the counter and mirror, there was poo all over our white towel, Atti's towel was sopping wet, etc. It wasn't our smoothest baby experience... hopefully it gets easier with the next attempt.

I must give Greg a ton of kudos. He's been great. He's had to handle the rest of the move from the apartment, unpacking of boxes here at the house, a crying wife and trying to prepare for 32+ interviews at the end of this week. Oh, and throw in a few sporadic hours of sleep and who knows how many diaper changes! It's been a week for the books, that's for sure.

I'm off to finish taking advantage of Atti's nap time... my to-do list for the day is filled with phone calls and emails.

Pictures soon - I still haven't found the stinking cable for the camera (and well, I haven't even turned on my home desktop computer yet). But, I promise we're still snapping photos.



Kaylane said...

It's gets a WHOLE lot less stressful I promise!!! You're doing a great job! Hang in there. :)

Nicole Mayraz Bernstein said...

This is so funny - I have a perfect image of the bathroom from your description - tinkles, poos and all!!!

Just wait till you have to separate Atti from the rest of his cord - THAT is a truly bizarre experience :-)

Love you both (I mean - all three!!!).
