
Monday, October 6, 2008

Dairy Free

I have angered the universe and I'm being punished. I'm convinced. No dairy. Are you kidding me? Does the universe not know of my love of gelato, and ice cream, and cheese and yogurt and ummm the one million other things that are dairy??? I mean, I'm all about a good steak and potato for dinner --- but we went out with friends the other night for Mexican and I couldn't eat the queso! Sigh.

In an effort to reduce the number of times that Atticus spits up, I am attempting to eat a dairy free diet. I know! I have lots of friends who manage this task - but for some reason, it seems like torture to me. I mean sheesh, I used to eat a bowl of cereal every morning! And yogurt and granola was my "go-to" snack!

On the upside... Atti does seem to be keeping his meals down.

The things we do for love....


SkipNikZP said...

Next time you go to the store get some of these:
http://www.tofutti.com/ they are yummy!

also here in Austin lots of vegan bakeries and restaurants!

you will be ok!

Nicole Mayraz Bernstein said...

welcome to my world my darling :-(

i know it's not the same - but you should try a few of the soy products - some of them aren't so bad and could ease the transition to a totally dairy free diet.

but - this is one time that i can actually say "i feel your pain :-)"
