
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunny and 78 Degrees

I never thought I'd say this... but I miss the 7 am wake up calls. Why you ask? Well, because for the past few days, Atticus has decided to wake up at 6 am. Fun stuff.

Alas... Saturday was absolutely beautiful. Greg, Atticus and I took a stroll over to Maison for brunch. We then continued on our way to the Museum of Modern Art. It's so awesome to be living so close to all these fantastic things. We saw some incredible exhibits of architecture, design, paintings, the sculpture garden.... (we also had one of the worst lemon cupcakes EVER - but thankfully it was on the house). We didn't even make it to all the floors - we'll have to go back. One of the surprises of the day was seeing Van Gogh's Starry Night. I would have sworn that I'd seen that painting at another museum, but that's impossible. Hmmmm. Anywho, I enjoyed seeing the Picassos, the Dali, the Seurats, etc. There was also one exhibit that celebrated good design - everything from chairs, to sewing machines, to an old Jeep! There was a fantastic chandelier that I just fell in love with -- which is so totally random, but I just loved it. The designer is Ingo Maurer. It's on the hanging lamps page under products. I really don't know why it struck me so, but it just does... EDITED TO ADD - It's the lamp with the broken china pieces. Duh... helps if I tell you!!

After the museum, we wandered up to FAO Schwartz and picked up a small gift for Atticus's first birthday. I'd put in a link to what we got, but it appears that FAO has changed their website and removed all of their online shopping. How totally weird. I'm a little bummer about that -- there were some things online that I just don't see in the store. :-( Alas. We also went in to the Apple flagship store since it's next door to FAO. My desktop at home is nearing the end of it's life and eventually will be replaced by a Mac laptop. (Shhhh, don't tell the Dell, I don't want it to die any sooner than necessary!!) Since the day was so stinking beautiful, we kept on walking around midtown. We went to Rockefeller Plaza and into the Nintendo World store. Fun. I tried out some boxing game on the Wii. I was awful. I need to stick to my Wii Fit and the fishing games!! If the weather holds out mid-week, I think Atticus and I will walk over to the Today show on Wednesday. I'll keep you in the loop if you need to set the Tivo.

Today, I met one of Greg's coworkers for a book club discussion in Central Park. It was a lovely 3 hours out of the house, surrounded by sunshine and adult conversations. It was marvelous. The book for the month was Lolita. I've never actually read the book, but I knew the premise and after our discussion today, I actually picked up the book at Barnes and Noble. Other books in my to-read stack for the summer... (in case you were wondering) The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch and The Friday Night Knitting Club by Kate Jacobs. I also have every "how to get your child to sleep" book, but I won't bore you with those!

Since the afternoon was still lovely, after I returned home and hung out with the family a bit, we packed up again and went for a stroll. We were a little late for the 40th Annual Gay and Lesbian Pride Parade down 5th Avenue. I'm actually a little bummed. I think it would have been a fantastic event to see -- and funny enough, I think Atticus would have loved the colors, sparkles, floats, costumes, etc!

Anywho. It's now 10:30pm and I need to upload all the photos, attempt to do a little work and head to bed. It was another fantastic weekend! Next weekend is the 4th of July -- which should bring more exciting posts!!

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