
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Catching Up

Wow, has it really been a week since I've updated the blog? Yikes.

Things have been busy as usual around here. Atticus had a lovely play date with his friend Eleanora last Friday. The two of them were both a bit grumpy - but it was still a good diversion for all involved. Atti did take a pretty good tumble at their house and whack the back of his head pretty good -- but he seems to be doing better.

Teeth, teeth and more teeth. We are seriously teething at the moment. Poor guy is chomping on his fingers, and especially on the washcloth and towel after the bath. I don't see any new teeth that have broken the surface, but you can definitely feel little boulders under the gums. That really has to hurt. Big boulder like objects shoving their way through your tender little gums - it's just mean.

Words, pointing and other babbling is also on the increase. The words are still a little slow to come, but we've definitely heard "uh-pah" several times now. Atticus is into lights and light switches and wants to be picked up so that he can get closer to the lights and the switches! My favorite is still the hugs and kisses. You can ask him for a hug and he comes over and puts his arms around your neck. There truly isn't anything sweeter.

Napping. Well, this is still a touchy subject, and there are highs and lows - but for today, it's going well. It's taking about 30 minutes or so for Atticus to settle down in the crib, but he's been taking two naps each about an hour to hour fifteen pretty consistently. Yay. I figure just about the time we really have the routine down, he'll be ready to drop the morning nap. My luck.

Greg - currently flitting about the country interviewing for clerkships for next year. No one knows what next year holds for us. East Coast? Texas? Midwest? I promise to keep you in the loop once we know more!

Since Greg is travelling all about, my Mom has come down to stay for a couple days and help out in the mornings and evenings. It wasn't necessary - but I enjoy the help, and she enjoys spending time with the little man, so it all works out.

I've taken several photos over the past week. I'll try to free them from the camera sometime very soon. :)

Till then...

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