
Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Goodness Gracious!

Where does the time go? Lately, it's been a myriad of trips to/from Dallas, to/from the Pediatrician's office and work, work, work.

Atticus is finally feeling better. The fever has subsided, the swelling has subsided, the hives have gone away and now all we're left with is a generally fussy baby that's working on some new molars. Let's hope he stays healthy.

We have had some major vocabulary break throughs lately. I can now confidently say that Atticus is saying Mama and Dada with conviction, to the proper parent and at the proper times. I said to him that we had to go find Daddy in the other room and he responded with a "Dada?". Yes, buddy -- that's right! There are also some recognizable sounds for certain objects. I couldn't repeat them if I tried - but it's definitely the same sounds for certain things.

In other Atti news - he's climbing on/in/over/under absolutely everything. We have a climber. He hasn't tried to climb out of the crib just yet - but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. He will however climb the highchair, the stove, the kitchen barstool, etc. Time to make sure everything is anchored to the wall... I see a holiday project in the works for Greg!

I'm feeling better too. We're now officially somewhere between 14 and 15 weeks along. I'm not quite as tired as I had been, but still pretty pooped. I don't know how that woman on TLC has 19 kids. Just the thought makes me want to crawl in bed! And, although it's really early - I swear I've felt this little one move around. Not kicks per se -- but definitely the bubbly, floaty, feelings of baby wiggling around. Weight is still in check - but I have a feeling I'll need to be more careful this time around. With Atticus, all I craved was fruit, fruit and more fruit -- and so far this go around, it's all bad for me things: queso, pizza, cookies etc. I did just buy a box of Clementine oranges however -- and they are quite tasty. Let's hope the fruit craving kicks back in soon!

Greg is hanging in there. Prepping for a couple finals and two 30 page seminar papers. YUCK. Not one, but two of those suckers.... Yikes. We're seeing the light at the end of the school tunnel, so with the last semester already booked, we're already looking forward to graduation!

I'm sure there has been lots and lots that I haven't filled you in on lately -- my apologies. I'll try to do better. I really need to get some new pictures of the little man, I've been falling down on the picture taking duty lately!

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