
Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Food For Thought

So, I just got a new MacBook for my birthday/Hanukkah/Christmas. It's awesome thus far. My biggest complaint is that the edge is rather sharp. Most people probably wouldn't notice this, but I apparently don't hold my wrists up while I type. I rest my wrist/forearm on the edge of the laptop. Greg says it's no wonder I show signs of carpal tunnel. Foo.

But anyways - one of the features of the new laptop is this funky touch pad mouse thingy. If you use just one finger, the mouse moves on the screen just like any other touch pad. If you use two fingers however, you can scroll up and down the page. Now here's my question. If you want to see something further down the page - would you:

a: slide your fingers up the touch pad - as if trying to get the page to move up your screen OR
b: slide our fingers down the touch pad - as if to see what's further down the page

Just curious...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Down - at least that works on my MBP