
Sunday, January 3, 2010

Home Sweet Home

Sigh. We've survived the holidays. We went to Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and pretty much half of Texas. Phew. It's been a busy 11 days to say the least! Pictures will be coming soon - but all in all a great vacation.

Atticus is happily back in his own room, in his own bed, with his own toys, etc. The travel was a bit rough on him - he's a fan of daily structure (as are most toddlers) so the vacation wasn't exactly his cup of tea! I can only imagine. It's pretty stressful to be a little man with so many "new" people all clamoring to hold you, squeeze you, play with you, entertain you... add that to the fact that you don't have your normal routine or your normal bed or food, etc. But, Atticus was a trooper. He played with family members galore and was on his best behavior for our lunch outing with the Judge. (Big sigh of relief!) He didn't scream or throw any fits on the airplane - there were a few minor meltdowns over the course of the trip, but nothing terrible. Atticus was also a trooper while Greg and I drove all over the Toledo "metroplex" looking at suburbs and possible neighborhoods for our impending move.

However, now that we are home - I can tell everyone that we will not be traveling again anytime soon unless where we are going comes with 2 bedrooms. If you want to see the 3 of us - Austin is a fabulous place to visit. :) We'll be here for the next 8 months.

Baby Baden is doing well. Flip-flopping and wiggling all about. No weird cravings yet. No strong feelings or premonitions on boy/girl either. I have my 20 week check-up this coming Friday (even though I'll technically be 21 weeks). We're over halfway there! That's a little scary!

OK - this is really a disjointed post and not making much sense, so I'll sign off for now. A more cohesive synopsis of our vacation and trip to the Midwest coming soon...

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