
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Good Monday, Bad Tuesday

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Atticus played in the morning, we had breakfast, we did a little singing and dancing and he was in a pretty jolly mood when he went to school. No crisis at work, talked to my Mom and she seems to be doing a little better with the knee surgery recovery... After dinner and getting little man to bed, I went downtown to meet a couple of colleagues at the Iron Cactus. They were in town doing recruiting/interviews. It was a great night out - meeting some "kids" that are seniors at UT, learning what they're interested in, etc... and then talking shop with a VP and some senior managers. I got home and was still awake and was able to stay that way long enough to get through the Craig Ferguson monologue - dude, that guy is just a hoot. I really wish he were on at 10:30 instead of Jay/Dave/Conan, etc...

Alas, then today started. The family was woken up by the neighbor's dog barking outside for 9 minutes starting at 5:32 AM. Had it just been a minute or two - you figure, hey, it happens. But seriously people, our neighbors are smart people (judge and lawyer), and you'd think they'd figure out that a barking dog at 5:30 AM is NOT the way to make friends. So, now Atticus is awake and crying, I'm dragging my sorry tush out of bed and the day begins. I actually broke down in tears while trying to feed Atticus breakfast because we were both just cranky and tired! And now my passwords for work aren't working. And I just got another voicemail from the J that Atticus was bitten again today - this time on the arm. Ugh. I need to talk to the management when I pick him up to see if they also talk to the parents of the "biter". How many chances does their kid get before he's "suspended". I mean, I know he's 18 months give or take -- but two bites in 3 days, one actually breaking the skin is not good people. Is he biting anyone else, or just my son? And I'm sure Atticus is just having a hoot of a time with it all because he already woke up this morning with the green snot again and teething like a baby. Sigh...

Well, I'm off to call the helpless desk and see if they can resolve my issues because rebooting didn't do it. On the upside of today - I do get breakfast for dinner. Kerbey Lane in T-2.5 hours.

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