
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Where to Begin?

I've started about a dozen posts in my head - but none have made it to "paper" yet. Been a busy week, but what else is new? Atti is still refusing to nap over the weekend and to complicate matters his ear started oozing this weekend. Ewww. So, ummm.... yeah - here's how my Valentine's Day went down:

6 am - Atticus wakes on cue
6:15 - spend who knows how long with a warm wash cloth trying to figure out what in the hell is oozing from Atticus's ear
7 ish - I decide to make myself a treat and pull out the Pillsbury Cinnamon Rolls from the fridge. (I know, very exciting...)
7:45 ish - pull the rolls from the oven
7:46 - go to put the oven mitt back in the drawer next to the oven
7:46 and 30 seconds - scream loudly, drop the mitt, grab Atticus and run from the kitchen
7:47 - send a still half asleep Greg into the kitchen to catch and dispose of the humongous roach that was camping out in the drawer next to the oven
7:48 - continue doing the ewwww-icky dance convinced that there are more bugs lurking somewhere unseen
7:50 - wonder why the only times you see a roach they're 3" long?

The remainder of the morning was spent playing with Atti, puzzles, crayons, musical instruments... I did cave and let him sleep on my chest while in the rocking chair for a couple of hours. I don't know what to do about the napping... I think it's a phase and a side effect of growing up a bit and being more aware that Mommy and Daddy are in the other room and some crazy fear that he might miss something. Not sure, but the minute you tell him it's time for a nap he starts wailing. Saturday, he screamed for about an hour, we gave up and took him out of the crib and just continued about the day. He sat down in Greg's lap about 4pm and just c-r-a-s-h-e-d. Boom - sound asleep leaning up against Greg. But I digress -- Sunday was a beautiful day, so the three of us did make it to the park for a while in the afternoon. Slides, swings, rocks, dogs, airplanes -- it was a good afternoon until the blue northern appeared with crazy wind and we had to head home.

Monday morning we went back to the doctor for the confirmation that Atti did indeed have another ear infection. Poor kid. At least now the goo is draining out and not collecting behind his ear drum. After seeing the amount of goo that's oozing out, I can only imagine how painful that must be when it's just sitting in your ear! Yuck. We're back on the ear drops - which sucks. I'd rather give the bubble gum medicine. Atticus is NOT a fan of ear drops and that is the understatement of 2010. The ear is oozing less however so hopefully we've turned the corner on this ear infection...

In other Atti news - we're definitely signing more, babbling more and becoming more and more fascinated with buses of all varieties. :-) Austin is a good town for spotting buses. Green ones, purple ones, white ones... He likes to say the "b" sound. There are slightly different sounds for all his "b" words which is good because we haven't quite mastered the second syllable. But, we're all about bus, bubbles, Bubbe, box, bumblebee, etc etc. Maybe he takes after me - one of my favorite books was (and still is) "The B Book".

Ok, well I'm going to attempt to free some of the recent photos and video from the park, then head to bed. Goodnight all...

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