
Wednesday, March 3, 2010


If it's not one thing, it's another...

First, the good news:
Took Peanut back to the vet yesterday to have her blood work done. For the first time in months, everything came back in the normal range! Yay. So, we're dropping her meds back to once a day and we'll retest in 2 weeks. The only strange thing she's got going on is that for the past week or so, at least once a day she's decided not to go all the way into her litter box to tinkle. It's like her tush is hanging out over the edge just a little bit -- but that little bit is causing us to mop the floor once a day to clean up cat pee. Fun. As if my pregnant nose weren't sensitive enough! But - it's not her fault, I think it's just age and arthritis acting up. We'll probably move to a larger and lower to the ground litter box soon.

Atticus has had his own set of random ailments lately. I'm not sure if it's the age - but he's suddenly getting very picky about food, and not eating much at all. Today, he ate probably 1/4 of what he used to eat. Perhaps the growth spurts are slowing down? And not sure if it's coincidence or not, but he's been constipated too. Poor guy - we're trying to give him lots of water and high fiber foods, but I have a feeling it's all related. The upset tummy, the not eating, the random whining, the strange bent knee walk/squat thing he's been doing...

I think we're ready to pick up a training potty. I don't think he's fully ready to train yet, but he's showing interest and grabbing at his diaper more often lately. Figure it can't hurt to let him get accustomed to a little potty. Or - maybe we just go straight to the big potty? I have no clue. Anyone reading that's trained a little boy? We do need to pick up one of those two step step stool things -- even if it's just to help him reach the sink to wash hands. He rather enjoys washing hands, but it's getting harder to pick him up and hold/balance him -- especially with my growing belly!

My Grandpa Mike is having surgery tomorrow for a blockage in his carotid artery. Please keep him in your thoughts. I'll stop by the Heart Hospital tomorrow night and check in on him. And, Atticus's BFF Eleanora is having surgery on Friday. We're sending lots of love their way too.

Greg and I are hanging in there. Tired, stressed and slightly worn down - but otherwise OK. There are a few new pictures in the Baden Family Photos, so check them out. If the weather clears up for this weekend, we're going to head to the Zilker Park Kite Festival on Sunday. Doesn't that just sound like fun? And -- if the weather stays nice for another weekend or two, I'm going to schedule a family photo session. I really want to get some professional shots done while still pregnant -- and then again once #2 arrives.

I think that's about it. We finally have phone, internet and cable again (after not having it for almost 5 hours)... so I think I'll read for a bit, turn on the news, and talk to you all tomorrow...

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