
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A Mother's Whine

I was going to start with this evening... but really, I need to go back to Friday.

  • Jen mops cat pee from kitchen floor.
  • Jen buys new big masonry tub to use as new litter box. Asks husband to replace old box with new big tub.

  • So-so morning, gorgeous afternoon with the bluebonnets and a trip to Chick-fil-A.
  • Atticus starts coughing at night.

  • Jen mops cat pee from kitchen floor.
  • Atticus continues to cough - but mostly at night.

  • Jen mops cat pee from kitchen floor.
  • Jen goes to HEB at 9:30 pm to get groceries while Atticus has coughing fits.

  • Jen mops cat pee from kitchen floor.
  • Jen attempts to meet friend for dinner, but Atticus throws temper tantrum, crying and throwing everything in sight. Jen packs dinner to-go and heads home.
  • While carrying a screaming toddler out the door, trips over large rock messing up her pedicure and almost drops toddler.
  • Jen puts a fussy toddler in the bath and in bed.
  • Atticus screams and throws fit asking for Daddy for 20 minutes and finally falls asleep.
  • Jen mops cat pee from kitchen floor.
  • Jen asks Greg again to swap litter box.

  • Jen mops cat pee from kitchen floor. (Anyone else notice a trend???)
  • Jen calls pediatrician and books appointment for 10 am to ensure it's just allergies/cold and not anything more serious. (For the record, just allergies and possible cold. Told to continue with the Zyrtec and in Benedryl at night.)
  • Family enjoys a dinner out with friends.
  • Jen goes to straighten crib while Atticus is in the bath with Greg - moves the blanket and discovers why her child was screaming last night. Poor guy barfed ALL over his bed, blanket and pillow.
  • Jen feels like the worst mom ever because she didn't know last night and didn't even notice this morning when she retrieved him from the crib. Granted it was still dark outside - but you'd think I would have noticed.
  • Jen attempts to change the sheet on the crib mattress while Atticus is in the bath - wrenching her back in the process because she can no longer lean that far over the crib rail to get to the mattress.
  • Jen and Greg dress Atticus for bed and while Jen sits with him in the rocking chair asks Greg to get the Benedryl - but then realizes she doesn't have the dosing instructions.
  • Jen attempts to do laundry to wash dried on baby vomit.
  • Jen realizes that she's out of Oxyclean.
  • Jen folds laundry in the dryer while washing the ick and notices that the washer is leaking - makes mental note to email landlord.

I'm exhausted. I'm still waiting on the dryer to finish. I've got the pillow case sitting in a bucket of water with bleach because the soap, the stain stick and the Ivory aren't doing the trick. I've washed the throw pillow again by hand and propped it up in the sink to dry -- I don't even know if it was supposed to get washed, but there really wasn't any other option. I'm pretty sure it's now barf free. I think the barf came out of everything else...

My back hurts, I'm tired, and I just want to go to bed. Thankfully Atticus seems to be sleeping ok at the moment even without the Benedryl. He hasn't coughed since I've been back in the house... figures. Take him to the doctor and then poof he's better? Well, time to check the pillow case and retrieve the things from the dryer. Anyone know if I need to treat the mattress or wipe it down with anything tomorrow? Guess it couldn't hurt to wipe it with a Lysol or Clorox wipe...

1 comment:

JC2 said...

Hey, from one mom to another - I feel your pain!! Marcellus has had the same coughing fits since birth and we recently discovered another safe trick that might help you at night. Glob some VapoRub on his feet and put him in thick socks at bedtime. We use the Tom's of Maine brand for the kids, but the idea is the same. For some reason, it seems to help on those long nights when you really think you might lose all ability to function if you don't get some sleep (I've been at this very point for about 6 months now).
Thinking about you and (believe me) I feel your pain, Sister!!