
Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Pixies Poop?

I've taken to calling Wren "my little pixie". She's just so darn cute, and with that head of hair and her little wrinkled up nose, she just reminded me of a pixie. It works, so I'm going with it for now.

The theory goes that the poop from breast-fed babies doesn't smell as bad as those bottle-fed kids. I was pretty sure that was the case with Atticus - but it's definitely not true for my little pixie. This little one is a stinker! Not sure what I'm feeding this little one - but we definitely know when it's time for a diaper change. Ha. I'm sure she's going to love me sharing all this information one day...

Sorry kiddo.

We're sort of kinda settling into a routine. I'm not sure I'm a fan of the routine just yet, but as long as we're consistent it'll be okay. I'm hoping that we stay on schedule at least through tomorrow morning, because a friend is coming over to do a newborn photo session at 10 am. Yeah. I didn't do newborn photos with Atticus, so I'm pretty excited to do these with Wren. I met Megan at the Friday playgroup that Atticus attends. Megan is one of those awesome artistic types who can do all sorts of things. Check out her photography business called Little Grasshopper Photography. The original plan was to take some family photos as well -- but the timing isn't working right now, so those will be rescheduled for later this summer.

I'm sure there's more life drama to share with the blogosphere -- but the oven just dinged and dinner is ready...

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