
Tuesday, August 10, 2010


I am that parent. The parent of "that child". You know, the one that's screaming and throwing a tantrum while kicking and crying in the middle of the mall. Oh yeah.

It seems it doesn't take much to push poor Atti over the edge at the moment. I know the poor guy is just overloaded - but I never thought I would be the one trying to wrestle a screaming toddler in/out of a store. That will never happen to me!!

In addition to the fit he threw because I made him walk away from the escalators, he also managed to open the packaging at Pottery Barn Kids for this pirate ship bath thingy. I was about to purchase said item - but the employees were super great and kept reassuring me that I wasn't the first parent to have their two year old go bonkers in the store. Whew, because the flailing about and tantrum throwing fit at the back of the store was a bit mortifying for me. Seriously.

On the upside of today... I was able to ever so briefly meet up with my friend Melanie and her three girls in Dillards. I hadn't seen Mel in almost 2 years! And - it seems throwing tantrums takes quite a bit out of you. Atticus went to sleep without any fuss tonight. Mazal Tov, eh? After I put him down, I was able to sneak off to meet some girlfriends for a game of Mah Jhongg too. That was a ton of fun - I hadn't played since we moved to Austin, and it was good times seeing Lisa, Jenny and Sandy again! I'm going to have to try and find some friends to play with up in Ohio.

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