
Saturday, September 18, 2010


I'm exhausted. Quite literally exhausted. I just woke from a 3 hour nap and I'm on my way to bed, but wanted to post a few quick thoughts...

1. If you've received an email from my Yahoo account that contains a link with no subject line, please delete the email without clicking through the link. It appears one of my computers (not sure which yet - work or home) has a virus. Lovely.

2. The mind of a 2 year old is a peculiar thing. Atticus showed every emotion today and at times when least expected. He threw temper tantrums and he sat quietly on my lap in the dark and rocked in the glider for 20 minutes. He giggled and then got sad... Perhaps he was experiencing his own Yom Kippur.

3. Somehow after the apple picking and chasing through the orchards successfully I lost my sunglasses. I have them on my head in one of our last photos where I'm holding Atticus by the sunflowers. This photo op was just before we headed back to the car... I'm irked. I've had those glasses for close to 10 years! Sigh... I left my name and number with the staff - and I'm hopefully optimistic, but not holding my breath.

4. I'm feeling guilty for not attending services this year. I wanted to. I'd actually done the research and found a local synagogue, yet I still couldn't get my ducks in a row to actually make it to services. Today marks the end of a period of reflection. This has been a year of highs and lows. We never talk about the lows, but they're there. I haven't always been the best friend, sister, child, parent, spouse this year and for that I ask forgiveness. There are lots of areas for improvement. My wish is that my name is inscribed in "the book" and I'm given one more chance to live the life I should. So - if you and I have had good days and bad - and even if I'm unaware of the extent of your feelings, I seek forgiveness. Sit me down, talk to me, I promise to try and do better...

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