
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Time Out

Today, I'd like to put myself in timeout. No more two year old temper tantrums, no more undiagnosed baby screaming, no more "wifely duties" (dishes, laundry, bills, phone calls...), no more nanny, no more work - just quiet.

I actually did give myself a 30 minute time out last night and soaked in a fantastic bath -- but alas, the sun came up today and I find myself even more behind and frustrated than last night. And then I feel guilty for being so frustrated with what can only be considered "the small things". A friend from college is celebrating the fact that his two sons have been removed from their incubators and were able to spend the first night together in the same "crib" at the hospital. Another friend is praying for the health of her friend's son who was hit by a truck - he's 9 and stable, but still experiencing swelling in his brain and lots of internal bleeding. Other friends and acquaintances are experiencing way worse times than me -- not to mention the portion of the world that's wondering if their 'glass' of water is going to make them sick because they're drinking from the same source that the animals bathe in....

All told, my life really is a bowl of cherries... but for some reason, it's just all getting to me this morning.


Jhana said...

It's all about your own path, no matter what that is. But thank you for putting it in perspective. As my dad says, "It could always be worse. Unless it couldn't."

rhondadiane said...

i love u!!! and i am empathizing! clearly you need a break, Honey! i wish i was there to give you a break! Remember what my Mom told me (a looooong time ago): nothing lasts forever, that includes the 'bad' stuff.