
Tuesday, October 26, 2010


In case there was any doubt... Atticus is my son. He has the "klutz" gene. Poor guy gets going so fast his feet can't keep up. Yesterday, since he woke up at the unheard of hour of 6AM, we had plenty of time to play before heading out to school. He and I were traipsing around the basement being silly when he stubbed the crud out of his toe (just like Mom!). An hour later, he was still limping -- so we gave him some Tylenol before school and a Pooh Bear bandaid and all seemed better. He did use some big boy words though -- hurt, pain, band-aid, toe.. I didn't know he knew the word "pain"!!

Poor guy. He's also a shoe-in to run into the counter, the kitchen table, the island, something... at least once a day. And he wonders why I get nervous when on the stairs he pushes me away and says "No hand Mommy". Yikes.

Surprisingly - he's only bonked into Wren once. I'm sure I should knock on wood for even writing that...

I probably should also keep directions to the closest hospital in the car -- I have a feeling we'll need it sooner or later!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Typical Hadd. That's why Grandma Jean lived within a couple of blocks of the hospital. All 3 boys were frequent visitors.