
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Thomas Obsessed

Ok... it's me, not Atticus. Maybe I always wanted a train set and I just never knew it? Not sure - but whatever the case may be, I'm a little Thomas the Tank Engine obsessed at the moment. Kid's Woot has had several things on sale lately -- so I've picked up a few pieced for Atticus. Right now, he only has this set up, but he seems to really enjoy the "choo choos". There are a few more pieces still in boxes (crane and barrel company) and I just ordered this (all from woot - so never fear, I didn't pay the prices listed) but in advance of the holiday season, I'm sending out feelers to all of you not in Toledo... If/when you think about it -- could you check your local Craigslist for Thomas deals? We need more wooden track pieces at the moment, but any of the talking trains are also a bonus. I'm going to keep an eye out here for a train table, but I figure the trains/track can be sent if you score any fantastic deals.

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