
Monday, November 22, 2010

Raking Leaves

I'm such a bad mom. I don't have any pictures from yesterday's romp in the leaves -- but Atticus and I had a lot of fun. We took turns raking the leaves (I know... and I said I wouldn't ever rake leaves!) and then Atti and Zoe (from across the street) jumped and kicked the pile of leaves all over the yard. Then we repeated the process. Zoe is practicing being a "big" sister... her mom, my new bud, Summer, is currently 20 weeks pregnant.

Zoe's best quote from our hour long romp in the leaves, "Jen...how do you get Atticus to do one thing for longer?"

That my dear, is the million dollar question! Spending time with Atticus is like a day trip with Flight of the Bumblebees. He's off and humming from one thing to the next and then back again. Always in motion!

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