
Monday, January 17, 2011

iPhoto v Picasa

For crying out loud, what a mess. I have been using Picasa for a while. Then I got a Mac. That's when it all went downhill. I used to have all my photos organized in pretty little folders within Windows Explorer and they matched Picasa. Then came iPhoto. Now - my Picasa application is a total and complete disaster. There are Master folders, Original folders, folders under Pictures, folders under "Copied from iPhoto", folders and folders and more folders. But -- since photos automatically update into iPhoto first -- you'd think I could find them in Picasa under the iPhoto folder and then the date, but sometimes yes, sometimes no. And sometimes I seem to have triplicate photos when othertimes I can't find a picture to save my life.

Rant, rant, rant.

This is probably not making any sense, but it's midnight and I'm peeved because all I really want to do is edit the stinking pictures in Picasa and post them online for friends and family.

(Insert me stomping around the office like a toddler.) Except I can't even do that because I fear waking the actual toddler.


Well - at least some photos and short video made it into the November folder. I think. I'll have to keep working on December.

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