
Thursday, February 10, 2011


This morning was just plain exhausting. Some days are all sunshine and roses with Atticus and others are a constant battle. I know I'm not alone in this battle - my kid is 2. Welcome to the "terrible twos". With his high comprehension level, I sometimes forget that he's only 2.

Our morning routine is the same everyday. We get up, we change the diaper and get dressed and then we brush our teeth. Lately, the change the diaper and get dressed part of the day has been a HUGE battle. I'm talking full on tantrums of screaming, hitting, throwing, tears, you name it... Today, he was so mad that he actually hit me. That was the straw. Then it was time out - which is hard to do when he's screaming and flopping like a fish out of water. Oh... and throw in a poor little 8 month old who has no clue what's going on!

Finally got him dressed - gave up on the brushing the teeth for today, and went downstairs after much to-do.

Sallie, one of the therapists who's organizing Atticus's treatment plans was supposed to be here at 9 am. The nanny is also due to arrive at 9 am. Wren goes down for her morning nap normally about 9:15. Does this sound like a train wreck waiting to happen yet? Temperature this morning was -5 with a wind chill of -20. So... they delayed most of the public schools for two hours - why - not quite sure. As if a kid can tell the difference when waiting for the bus between 0 and 3 degrees??? But I digress. Nanny is running two hours late - but calls to say that her neighbor is going to pitch in and let the girls stay at her house and she'll drive them to the bus stop in a bit and that she'll be here by 9:30 am. It's now 9:17 am and there's no sign of Sallie. Wren is ready to lay down and Atticus is running around out of control. I went to the garage to unlock the door for the Nanny when I see Sallie sitting in my driveway in her car on the phone! G'ah. Seriously? On the phone? You're 17 minutes late and I've got a million things to do! I just look at her, shut the door and go take Wren and Atticus upstairs. I attempt to coral Atticus and have him play in his room while I put Wren down. Atticus comes in and turns on the light - lovely - get him to turn it back off, go back to his room, calm down Wren who's now looking around saying "hey, what's going on", talk to Atticus and convince him to wait for me and to NOT go down the stairs head first on his stomach, swaddle Wren and grab Atticus and head downstairs. There, we run into both Nanny and Sallie who then tells me, oh - it's mostly paperwork today, you could have taken Atticus to school, your call. G'ah.

Nanny takes Atticus downstairs and Sallie and I have a pretty productive session and I should have Atticus enrolled in OT (occupational therapy) very soon. Fingers crossed. I've been waiting for her recommendations and the list of OTs in the area for a couple months. I still need to call insurance and see what paperwork is needed before our first session. I need to find a therapist with availability. I need to schedule dentist appointments for Atticus, Greg and I -- I know, totally unrelated to therapy, but still on the list of doctor to-dos. I need to call the ENT back and find out what's involved in having his ears cleaned...

Sigh. I'm pooped and I haven't even begun yet....

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