
Sunday, February 27, 2011


Mommmmmmmyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy -- I go pee.

Atticus is getting very good at now telling me when he goes pee. While this is a good thing in theory -- it's not so enjoyable at 5 am. For the past few nights, after bath, we've sat on the potty before books/bed -- but none the less, within 20 minutes of me leaving the room, I'm being paged back to Atti's room to change his diaper. The nighttime diapers are expensive too. Last night/this morning.... I was paged at 5 am to change a diaper.


I should go to bed, but I really want to see the end of the Oscars. (I know that appears to have nothing to do with potty training - but it does sort of in a weird way because I'm tired. :) So I should go to sleep before one of my kids wakes me up... but I want to see Best Picture!)

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

Is he not peeing when you sit him on the potty?? Are you in there with him and keeping him entertained while he sits? Sometimes it takes a little time alone....AND getting his mind off being on the chair. Put the chair next to the tub or some other surface at his level where he sits and get some small toys that he only gets to play with when he's on the chair. He'll get so involved with the toys that he won't focus on sitting on the chair. And he'll go. Worked like a charm with Grace when we were "poop training"!