
Monday, February 7, 2011

Sleep Training

So... while the Daddy's away - I've decided to do a bit of sleep training with the little one. Now that she has her own bed in her own room -- I figure it's about time she's sleeping for longer stretches. I need to look up how long she should be sleeping (funny how quickly you forget these things), but I know it's more than 4-5 hours at a stretch!

Of course last night was a bit wonky because of the Super Bowl party -- but I put Wren down about 7:20 and she woke up at about 1 am. I didn't go to get her -- and it only took a few minutes for her to settle back down and go back to sleep. Yay! Granted, I was ridiculously tired, so she may have cried for longer than I think... but the results were the same. Atticus didn't wake up and she went back to sleep. She woke again at 3:30 on the dot (quite typical) and this time I did go get her. I figure no sense traumatizing her completely on the first night....
She is napping better in her crib - so hopefully we're well on our way to a happy, sleepy baby!

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