
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fat Tuesday

It looks like a big jelly donut. Paczki. Apparently it's a Northwest Ohio/Polish thing for Fat Tuesday. MacKenzie looked at me like I was crazy when I said I'd never heard of them.

We saw them at the bakery over the weekend in the grocery store and Atticus had to have some. I admit - pretty darn tasty treats. Sooooo, I decided to use Wikipedia to look them up...

Read all about them and scroll down a bit till you see the section about Israel. Interesting - they're related to Sufganiyot.

Who knew? Who cares? They're tasty things that I'm sure have gone straight to my hips!


rhondadiane said...

OK. I have never - I repeat NEVER - heard of these. And I grew up there! I can't even say the word after looking at the pronuciation over and over! Ha! But, Oh my, do these sound decadent! ...they "use up the lard, eggs, etc" to make these!! HA!!! Count me in!!!

Yvonne said...

Rhonda- that's because we grew up in a german family! My boss is polish...she's all about Paczkis!!! She brought 2 boxes of them in to work yesterday (fat tuesday)!! One box held lemon, raspberry, and custard. The other box - all bavarian cream!!! OMG - they are amazing!! Makes me want to be polish!! BTW- Rhonda...pronounced "Putch-ki".