
Monday, April 11, 2011

Two Steps Forward

Well... we've now successfully peed in the potty several times over the weekend. We've had the most luck right after bath and before bed as well as once in the morning. I haven't quite mastered his daytime schedule to know WHEN to put him on the potty. He's getting quite good at telling me the instant he goes -- but we haven't quite mastered telling me BEFORE he needs to go.

But, of course - there was one step back too over the weekend. Saturday night, after bath -- all wrapped up in the towel to dry off, before going to sit on the potty -- Atti was sitting on my lap to put on his pajama top when I felt something warm on my leg.... sigh... He peed in the towel before we made it to the potty. Ooops.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

I've been there...stay positive!! Just when you start to think it will never end - BOOM, it totally clicks and you're done! (Then you can start over with the next child!)