
Thursday, May 5, 2011


Wren is now saying kitty. She's been waking up at all hours of the night again (combination of a cold and cutting teeth...) and when I go get her and bring her to our room -- she starts saying, kitty, kitty when she sees Peanut. :) She's got quite the vocabulary going: Daddy, Atti, Hi, Bye, Buh-Bye, Kitty, Cheese, Baby, Bubbe and I've heard Sock and Book I'm pretty sure too!

And other funny from Atticus.. I've been meaning to write this one down for a while: "upple down" for "upside down". So, when he puts his head on the ground before attempting to forward roll - he shouts for Mommy and Daddy to see him upple down. It's cute. Almost as cute as the space puddle.

I also think that Atticus is starting to recall some of his dreams. He's been telling us some stories in the morning that I'm guessing are from his dreams. Nothing really noteworthy - but some of it seems a bit non-sensical at times and at other times he'll say something that seems to be coming from left field!!

1 comment:

rhondadiane said...

personally, i like 'uppple down' even more than 'space puddle'! I did LOL!!!...upple down!! Ha!ha!