
Monday, October 10, 2011


Well, it seems Atticus has decided he'd like to be a cowboy for Halloween this year.  Should be easy enough.  We've got the boots and the blue jeans.  Worse case, he can wear his sister's cowboy hat (but I'll try to find him one of his own).

Wren I think will be Minnie Mouse.  Bubbe bought her a Minnie when we were in Dallas and she loves that doll along with some Minnie pajamas that we got from my dear friend Amy.  I have a great red dress with white polka dots (it's probably a hair small - but I think it'll do).  All I need now are some ears with a bow.  Wren is also in love with these black patent leather mary janes that she got from Amy (and Katie) -- but they're still too big.  I'll have to figure out something for the shoes!

Now that the costumes are decided upon, I need to get cracking putting the pieces together and figuring out exactly where we're going to go!  I'm hoping that the JCC or the synagogue will have something that we can attend that doesn't involve going door to door.  :)

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