
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Dazed and Confused

I found Wren's Minnie shirt in her drawer?  No clue.  Seriously, I looked in that drawer a million times.  I'm feeling a bit blonde. 

In absolutely unrelated news, I have to admit that I'm a bit confused by our neighbors.  I learned yesterday that the guy I thought was the "baby daddy" is actually the "baby uncle".  Say what?  So... there are only three bedrooms in that house I'm guessing.  Living in the house are grandparents, two kids and two grandkids?  Not sure I get it -but then again it's totally NONE of my biz-ness.

EDITED TO ADD: So Greg thinks that the guy I thought was grandpa he thinks is baby daddy and is married to the girl who looks like she's 18.  He thought the woman I thought was grandma is grandma, but that she doesn't actually live there.  Dude, it's confusing.

Also unrelated, I'm pretty sure I heard a shot or two fired the other night.  It wasn't followed by screaming or sirens so I'm assuming the shooter missed the target.  It could have been a crappy car backfiring - there's definitely not a shortage of crappy cars in the area - but I have the sinking feeling it was something a bit more sinister...

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