
Monday, May 14, 2012

Hmmm. This isn't working.

My big plans to post more often seem to be falling by the wayside.  It could be that life has been a wee bit busy -- but I will try (once again) to update those around on the exciting life of the Baden family.

We recently acquired a Craigslist find -- a Little Tikes Sand and Water table.  Two weekends ago we made a group outing to Home Depot to pick up a 50 lb bag of play sand.  So far, the table has been an absolute hit.  $25 spent on the table, sand and toys and the kids are thrilled to pieces!  Woot.

Other than the bugs here in NOLA (and there seem to be a lot of them) playing outside still remains a favorite for my kids.  I still think it's both a blessing and a curse that neither kid is interested in television.  I sometimes think it would be fun to take the kids to one of the arena things with Wiggles, or Sesame or Thomas the Tank -- but they have no clue who the characters are!  They've never heard of the Wiggles or the Fresh Beat Band or any other shows!  That's a good thing, right?

Lots of other random things to update the world on... but I'm going to do a separate post for this past weekend!!

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