
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Sweet Dreams Grady

To cap off an already long and exhausting weekend, Grady wasn't feeling well and had already been into the vets a few days earlier.  By Monday morning, he was starting to slip away and my Mom had to make the decision to have him put to sleep.  To be honest, I know it was cancer and his kidneys that were failing -- but I truly believe that he was just heartsick without his brother.  Those two boys were a pair of odd ball kitties.  I still swear that they were normal up until the flight to Dallas that forever changed their lives.  My parents weren't "cat people" yet they took in my two little ones and loved them for 12 plus years.  We will certainly miss the little milk mustaches and Grady's head butting... but I know that he isn't in any pain now. 

Sweet dreams kitty cat.  I miss you.  The house won't be the same when I come to visit...

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