
Monday, October 15, 2012

In the Swing of Things

We're getting into the swing of things.  Atticus is learning all the numbers of the buses and starting to figure out the subway system too.  Amazing how quickly they figure it out!  The only funny thing is that he insists on calling the river to our east, "the pond".  It's kinda funny.  Sad to say I don't actually know what river it is -- maybe it's not even a river?  Ugh... probably should go look that up!

Daycare is getting a bit easier.  Mornings don't involve tears anymore and the kids are always happy when I arrive.  We did have a "stroller incident" some time last week.  There is a stroller room at the daycare that is part storage unit and part stroller chaos.  My best guess is that our stroller got stepped on when another parent was trying to reach their own stroller... All I can tell you is that one of the main supports for our stroller is now broken.  And the stroller is a couple months out of warranty.  And it's a $175 stroller.  And I don't have a job.  So we have a broken stroller.  I tried some MacGyver moves with electrical tape last week which sort of worked.  Then -- my Mom had an idea.  What about the stuff that comes in a spray can that turns into concrete like stuff?  Great Stuff.  It sounded promising.  So -- I headed out to the local Ace Hardware store.  Holy moly batman - what a strange and fascinating store.  Seriously.  They sell everything but milk.  Furniture.  Kitchen towels.  Car parts.  Light bulbs.  Birthday cards.  Toys.  Shampoo.  It was so WEIRD.  I literally spent an hour just wandering around and I didn't even make it downstairs!!  But -- I did talk to a nice guy that worked there.  I explained the broken stroller to him and asked his opinion of Great Stuff.  He was intrigued but suggested plumbers epoxy instead.  Said it's stronger he felt.  Greg and I tried stuffing some inside the pipe and wrapping some around the outside as well last night.  Seemed pretty solid this morning on our way to school - but alas, when Wren tried to climb into the stroller to leave school - SNAP.  I'm going to try again in a few minutes -- I think I need to wrap the epoxy a bit higher and lower around the break.  Not sure if that will do it though.  Not sure what we'll do if it doesn't work.  Grrrr.... The school is trying to see if there is any recourse for us - but I highly doubt it.  I can't believe we're just out of warranty too.  Just my luck.

I'm still on the job hunt.  A couple of great sounding opportunities - let's see if I can get anything to come from them.  There's a company that's trying to help me - something that was arranged from HCC.  I need to make time for them.  Maybe that'll be tomorrow's agenda -- work on resume and go over notes from employment agency people.  Sounds like fun, huh?

Ok.. well I need to go check on my vampire child.  Daycare has gotten better, but night time battles alas have not...

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