
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

A Fright.

Yesterday was one for the books.  As I was cleaning up from dinner, I noticed that the kids were awfully quiet.  I called back to see what they were doing and one of them told me to come check out the "froggy".  Huh... I went back to Atticus's room and FREAKED out.  There is a frog humidifier that sits on a side table next to a lamp.  These two items are then plugged in to the wall along with a night light, an alarm clock, the standing fan....

The kids had picked up the water reservoir section of the humidifier and the water was glug glug glugging out of the frog.  It was within 1/8 of an inch of overflowing all over the electrical gadgets.  I tossed the kids out of the room and immediately unplugged everything.  One crisis and potential life threatening narrowly averted.

So... while I was mopping up water and thanking my lucky stars that the water hadn't overflowed... the kids were sitting on the couch waiting to be reprimanded.  I came back to the living room and started talking to the kids.  I wanted to let them know that I playing with the humidifier is a big time no touch and that they had really scared me.  Well, I suppose I was stern enough - because I quite literally scared the piss out of Wren.  Sigh... Just before the freak out, Wren had gone poo in the potty all by herself.  I thought, eh... it's almost bath time, she can just wear her panties for now.  No problem...  Well, I can tell you that the baking soda gets rid of the smell -- but now I have to get two cushions dry cleaned.  Ugh.  I have the feeling that we will need a non dry clean only slip cover for this sofa soon...

The kids are now in bed - and I try to prep for my interview.  And the printer is kaput.  Fantastic.

But... the day did start out well.  Wren and I took advantage of a relatively mild morning and she and I dropped Atticus at preschool and headed out to Citi Pond at Bryant Park for some ice skating.  She didn't freak out nearly as much as her brother did when her feet touched the ice.  I was able to skate while standing behind her and holding her arms out for balance.  Her little feet were going in every direction for the first few moments, but she caught on.  Although after each lap of the rink, we took a break.  After the second lap, we sat down just off the rink.  There were two other kids with cupcakes and it was game over.  Wren didn't want to skate anymore, she wanted a cupcake.  After a few discussions, she wasn't budging - so we packed up and headed to lunch.  A pretty good first outing...

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