
Saturday, August 24, 2013

School? Eeeeek!

So, ummmm... School starts in a little over a week and I have NO clue where the kids will be going!?!  It's a little unnerving.  If Atticus gets into Honeywell, he'll be in Year 1 (which may be a disaster) but it means no uniform and that Wren jumps to the top of their nursery wait list.  If we get into Belleville - there is a uniform and I have no idea if Wren is even in their system.  Fabulous.  If we go the private school route, there's a chance of starting in Reception as opposed to Year 1, but it's private school and not free and still leaves me trying to figure out where to send Wren.  And there's definitely uniforms that will be needed for private schools!

Oh, and the offices reopen on September 2, which is 48 hours before school starts.  I'll have at most 36 hours to sort everything out.

This is insane.  It's going to require a lot of patience, some good ju ju and a few glasses of wine!!!

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