
Monday, July 21, 2014

Photo Management

For most of my adult life I've used a PC.  A couple years ago, we switched my home laptop to a MacBook Pro.  When that happened, all of my beautifully organized photos from Picasa went haywire.  I blame my husband.  Not sure why - just seems like a reasonable place to lay blame.  :)  Yes, I have Picasa on my Mac -- but I also have iPhoto.  And I have apparently 12 copies of some pictures.  1 copy of others.  And they are so disorganized it's making me nuts.

I decided to start tackling the issue so that I could update the blog more regularly with photos.  I mean, it shouldn't be this difficult. Google now owns Picasa and Blogger.  It shouldn't be so complicated to get a freaking photo of video inserted into my blog.

I'll keep working on it.  Right now, I've been organizing my iPhoto pictures back into Picasa albums.  Then, I'm trying to sync my albums with my web albums but it's not allowing me to upload any video clips.  I mean, I CAN put them into YouTube (also Google) but why?  I want them inside my web albums.  Ugh.

Rant over.  I'll keep trying.  More photos and hopefully video soon.

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