
Tuesday, January 20, 2015

New Year's Resolutions

Bet I'm the first one to think of these.  Ha!  :)

But, since it's still in the first month of the year - I'm going to run with the theme.  Actually, I'm not sure if these are really resolutions of a glorified to-do list.  Open for debate I suppose.

Resolution - blog more.  I mean really people.  Both kids are now in school.  Surely I can carve out 15 minutes a day to post some boring dribble about my day to day life that family (and possibly some friends) will find remotely interesting.  :)

Today -- I tried a Zumba class for the first time at the gym.  It was like doing an hour of crazy signs at Club Med except I didn't know the moves.  Hopefully, I won't look like such the white girl with no rhythm next time!  It was a ton of fun.  I have to say - much better way to spend an hour than jogging on the treadmill or the elliptical.  And I'm positive my heart rate stayed up and that I was getting in a full workout!  And, as an added bonus - there was another school mom there, and it was her first Zumba class too.  I got to dance around like a goofball with a friend and have a lovely chat and cup of coffee after class.  Win win.

I'm also making more of an effort with the kids and playdates this term.  In the fall, I was pretty lax and content to just come home after school -- but I think the kids get more than I realize from having some one on one time with a friend or two each week.  So, Wren is going home today with her friend, Pippa and I'll pick her up after "tea".  I know she'll have a blast playing - I'm just worried that somehow I'll look bad if she doesn't eat anything at Pippa's house.  I know.  That makes no sense, but hey - who ever said parenting logic makes sense?

And - with Wren at a friend's house, I'll be able to just pick up Atticus after his club and then figure out somehow how/where to feed him and how to get to Pippa's house!  It's suddenly freezing too (literally freezing) so I may cave and book a mini-cab for the ride home from Pippa's house.  It's only a little over a mile, but it'll be dark and cold by then and my desire to walk two tired children across the common I'm guessing will be nill...  Guess that means I've already made up my mind about the taxi.  :)  (Note to self, grab cash before picking up Atticus for the cab...)

Now I'm off to get some domestic randomness out of the way and maybe then continue reading about ways to organize my life.  Not that I've done anything of action - but I'm reading about HOW to organize my life.  Good start, right?

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