I'm the one who told the maintenance dude that today was a good day. That was before my schedule became jam-packed full of everything under the sun. Ok, maybe I'm exaggerating a little bit, but what can I say? Now it's 9:32 and I'm starting to panic.
I need to get to the grocery store for the items needed for Wren's school thingy tomorrow. Very important - I need to go to the wine store for a case of wine. It's 25% off on Mondays, so I really need to get that done today. :) A friend and I are in charge of making turkey gifts for the kids school -- thanks Pinterest for the idea -- with clear gloves that will hopefully be turned into turkeys. (The kids and I tried to make Oreo turkeys last night and that didn't go exactly as planned!!!)
Then, it's going to be off to Costco (goodness help me) to get some last minute things for Thanksgiving.
I'd like to get to Target to do a return and to Uniqlo -- but who knows if that'll happen. I actually don't even know how much longer I have to do the Uniqlo return. Better check that out! Except I have no idea where the shipping label is anymore -- oy vey!
Then there's laundry, dishes, trying to organize a trip into the city for Wednesday, packing -- EEEEK.
Ok - the gutters are now clean and the windows are being touched up. Time to get the ball rolling and make sure I'm ready to go as soon as the windows are done and done!!!
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