
Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Feeling Like a Turkey?

I admit. I am seriously craving pumpkin pie. I mean seriously. If there was a pie in the house at this very moment, I would eat the whole thing. I love pumpkin pie.
Perhaps it's a good thing then that I REALLY need to get to the grocery store and that there is currently NOT a pumpkin pie in the house. Although... I probably do have all the ingredients to make a pie. But, that would require me making the crust too since I don't happen to have a handy dandy pre-made one in the freezer. Bummer.

Now the real dilemma - we are running ridiculously low on groceries and I have a sinking feeling that the grocery store is the last place I want to be the day before Thanksgiving. If I ever thought it was crowded before... yeowzers.

On to other updates and such. But first, another admission. We went to a fantastic wedding over the weekend and I forgot my camera. I KNOW! We actually got dressed up on Friday and Saturday night - and I don't have a single picture. Oy.

The wedding was for my friend and former boss, Mahra Fox and another friend, Kevin Pailet. I have to say - they truly are a great team. They just fit together. They are nothing less than 100% themselves around each other. The rehearsal dinner was held at the Trammel Crow building in downtown Dallas. It was a little bizarre, because my office is across the street, and we've been to the TC for lunch. But, for dinner, it barely resembled the place at lunchtime! When we arrived, we had a quick chat with Mr. and Mrs. Pailet. They were very welcoming and quite excited about the night's events. Greg and I went upstairs and into the lounge to wait for others to arrive, dinner etc. While we were sitting, we glanced over at another booth, and there was my other old coworker, Amanda! Crazy. We chatted with her and her date for a while, then they left and Greg and I chatted with Mahra and Kevin. Dinner was good, nothing terribly fancy -- and we left before all the speeches, etc. It had been a hectic day rushing to Dallas and we were exhausted.

Saturday morning Greg and I headed over the Grand Spa in Addison to use up a gift certificate that I had won at last year's holiday party. A lovely couple's massage was just what the doctor ordered. We both really needed the break. The rest of the day, Greg spent at Starbucks working on a paper for school, and I ran errands. Gas in the car, state inspection, get my nails done, pick up a card for the wedding present, yada yada. Then, off to get ready for the wedding. Greg looked so nice in his tux! I wore Carla's bridesmaid dress from our wedding. I have to say, it worked out great!

The wedding was held at Shearith Israel and was a beautiful ceremony. Rabbi Gershon read aloud the letters that Mahra and Kevin had each written each other. Then, off to the reception which was held at the Dallas Museum of Art. WOW. It's a stunning backdrop for a wedding. The room we were seated in had a huge window that was surrounded with the big glass Murano flowers (like the ones in the entrance to the Bellagio). Here's couple pictures of the flowers at the Bellagio:

Back to the wedding... it was beautiful. I'm glad we were able to attend. I was happy to see two friends that happy together.

Sunday morning, Greg and I met my parents for brunch. The original plan was to meet at Mattito's at 10 am. We did that. Problem was - the restaurant wasn't opening until 10:30 and we were on a bit of a time crunch because of the afore mentioned "paper". So, we headed down the street to BreadWinner's. Yum. I love brunch. What a great idea! Then, back home.

Greg turns in his paper tomorrow, and then we're looking forward to spending the holiday with my cousin Raymond and his family.

Wishing you a happy holiday too!

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