
Monday, April 21, 2008

Baby Ducks!

Ok, Greg and I are officially nerds. We both were excited a few days ago when Mama duck returned to our little pond with 2 baby ducks. And then... today all the sudden there was a baby duck explosion. Seriously -- I counted about a dozen little guys and turbo'ing aroud the pond this afternoon. They're so little, I had to use the digital zoom on the camera to try and get some pictures. They were everywhere, and so freaking cute! Yes, the pictures are still on the camera... but that's because at the moment I'm on my laptop doing some extra work for work. Blech. To get the pictures into the blog, I have to upload them from my camera onto my home computer and then onto here.

Alas... the ducks are really cute and I hope to get some better pictures of them soon. I'll try to walk down to the pond during the week and catch them at play.

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