
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Total Randomness

Randomness - is that even a word? Not sure... but whatever! Here are my random updates for the day:

1. My beautiful friend Kristy Valdivia just found out that her wedding photographer entered a photo from their wedding into a contest and the picture is one of the top 5 finalists. The winner will be published in a national magazine. Voting ends soon - but if you can, click here and vote for #5. You'll see why - it's just a sexy photo!! Kristy says it's not one of her personal favorites from the day... but if you saw the whole collection, I don't know how I could possibly pick favorites. I'm bummed I wasn't able to make it to San Diego to share in her day - it was an unbelievably beautiful wedding!

2. I really need to start fixing my hair and putting on makeup on a regular basis, especially on the days we take Baby Baden photos! Yikes people - I'm looking a little scary!! This is from last Friday, April 18, 2008 at 24 weeks. (Maybe there really are two little Badens hiding in there??)

3. Baby ducks are really cute and they amuse me all during the day because I can watch them from the window at my desk. :-)

You have to look in this first picture to see baby just to the right of Mama duck.

Baby ducks motoring around the pond... check out the wake of the renegade guy at the top of the screen!

4. Tomorrow is my Level 2 Sonogram. My mom came down to Austin so she could come to the appointment with Greg and I. She's never seen an ultrasound, so it should be fun. I'll be 25 weeks to the day tomorrow. Since we don't want to know the flavor (so to speak) the doctor will have to be careful what baby parts he shows us on the screen! :-) Granted, I don't think I could tell even if I wanted to... but you never know.

5. A big Mazel Tov to Kevin and Mahra Pailet on the birth of Lyle Ellis Pailet yesterday afternoon. I'll miss Ellis's bris, but I hope to meet him when I'm in Dallas in a couple of weeks.

6. For the record, there is nothing wrong with Kerbey Queso and a pancake for dinner. Even Greg's classmate Michael joined me last night by dining on queso and pancakes for dinner!

7. Just for fun... here's an old picture of Kristy and I covered in chocolate frosting.

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