
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Decisions Made

Well - two big decisions are out of the way. Today we ordered the Munire Urban crib, combo (essentially a dresser) and hutch (the bookshelf that sits on top of the dresser). We didn't get any of the other pieces for now - figure we can always add on. I am still wrestling with the mattress however. We ordered one with the furniture because we got a $25 discount for placing the order at the same time... but... is it the "right" mattress? Foam? Coil? Dual - with one side of each? I have heard great things about Moonlight Slumber, but is it really worth finding another place to order a mattress from? Or do we just deal with the one that USA Baby sells? Ahhhhh!

And, we picked a paint color. If you go to Sherwin Williams do a search for "Lacewing". It's a pale minty green that we hope will be nice calming and baby friendly color. Granted, we haven't even begun to think about bedding -- but I figure we'll either end up with a green/pink theme or green/blue theme. I've seen lots of bedding that's caught my eye - but Greg and I haven't even talked about it yet.

We also oh so briefly looked at strollers while we were placing the order for the furniture. I had to laugh because the stroller that Greg liked the look of most was the Quinny Buzz. :-) We have expensive tastes!! Oy. Greg was making fun of the Bob Revolution that I had liked - saying the front wheel was a big beak sticking out. Who knows. That's another expensive decision that will have to wait until after finals for some more thought. Have I mentioned how glad I am that I got an unexpected bonus check at work -- and that we're actually getting some money back on our taxes? Oh... we also found out today that Greg's summer internship position at Haynes Boone requires a jacket and tie (preferably a full suit) everyday. Ummmm... looks like the 4 suits he owns isn't going to cut it for 6 weeks of work!

Don't mind my stream of conscious writing style - my pregnancy brain is a bit all over the map lately! I did get a new picture this morning of my growing belly, but it's still trapped on the camera at the moment. Perhaps tomorrow... There's always tomorrow...

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