
Thursday, April 17, 2008

As Butters Would Say.... Ahhhhh, The Pressure!

This should sum up how stressed Greg has been this week.... he skipped classes to work on a paper! I KNOW! Greg - skipping a class!! Add to that the fact that he hasn't come to bed before 3 or 4 am, while still getting up by 8. Yikes. I think I'm looking forward to the end of this semester as much as he is. There's just so much pressure to do well this first semester. Seriously, it's a little nuts. Consider this... later this summer, Greg will start interviewing for jobs after he graduates in 2010! All the employers have to consider are his first year law school grades and his prior work experience. Do you know what you want to be doing 2 years from now? Or in what city you want to be doing it?

But back to the public acknowledgement of the Outstanding Award for Legal Research (?)... Greg went to the reception earlier this week. 5 people from each 100 section group were selected for the awards. So -that makes a grand total of 20 "winners". Of those 20... 3 were in Greg's small 25 person section (pretty cool) and he said that a few of our friends from the Old People Starting Law School won too. Yay to new dad Jason Leach and to Wyatt. Greg said he also recognized a few other of those recognized from the "older" crowd. Wonder what that tells you? That a few extra years of work before law school paid off? :-)

A small group from the small section is heading out to Happy Hour this afternoon once the paper gets turned in. Hopefully, I'll be able to finish work by 5 and head out to join the gang. I think after a couple beers, Greg may come home and sleep straight through until Saturday!

In knitting news... I'm attempting to make some baby booties! Granted, the pattern isn't that difficult, but I've started the things about half a dozen times. Oy. But, I think they're going well now. I've made it through the first paragraph and so far I have the correct number of stitches and they look way better than my first attempt! Guess I shouldn't have stopped knitting for so long -- you do start to forget stuff. Thank goodness for the nice people that post videos on http://www.knittinghelp.com/! I'm not sure if you have to register --but here's the link to the T-Strap Baby Booty Pattern. They will hopefully look like this once finished:

Aren't they just too freaking cute? Hee hee. I have also pulled out from the dark recess of my closet the baby poncho that got stuck in it's WIP state. That's Work In Progress.... it never made it to FO (Finished Object). But... I hope to have it completed soon as well so that it can be a birthday gift for little Miss Zoe Myers this summer. That's the plan.

This weekend, Greg and I are going to pick out the paint color for the nursery and order the nursery furniture! Woo hoo. I'll be sure to post a picture of the color we choose for the room and of course what crib we FINALLY choose! :-) That will be a relief to get that ordered!!

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