
Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hiccups & Other News

Lots and lots of hiccups. That's the current baby news. I think Baby Baden is going to come out of the womb hiccuping! Last night, Greg said it felt just like my stomach muscle was spasming... yep. That about sums it up from the outside... but on the inside, it's a weird weird feeling. More belly pictures are coming. I'll try to get an updated one tomorrow. The Buddha is definitely growing! Greg says it won't be long before I don't have a belly button anymore. It's getting stretched all sideways. :-)

In other news, I'm FINALLY feeling better. That stupid cold lasted for just over two freaking weeks. So, first I was afraid I was going to cough up our unborn child. Then, I was afraid that the cough medicine would knock out the baby... but now, I'm sure that baby is just fine. Hiccuping like there's no tomorrow.

And, in other other news.... Greg received another award in school. He wasn't thrilled that it was announced in front of the entire 100 person section, but -- still, another pretty cool honor. There were 5 people out of each of the four 100 person sections that were called out for Best/Outstanding Memo. We're also gearing up for next semester. I think it's going to be a busy one for Greg. He's applied to be a "TQ" for Legal Research and Writing (kind of like a teacher's aide). He's also now a part of the IP Law Society and I don't know what it's called... but some other organization through school that prepares Memos and does research for local attorneys. All of that in addition to his classes. Oh, and a new baby. Should be interesting, huh? We'll find out this week if he got a TQ position, and if he did.... then he'll have to rearrange his school schedule a bit. The TQ position is a 2 hour credit -- which with a full class schedule would be too much. So, if he gets the position, he'll have to drop something else. Decisions, decisions... but it's a good rock/hard place to be stuck between! (Did I mention that the TQ position comes with a small pay and tuition reimbursement!!)

I've also started a registry for Baby Baden at www.babiesrus.com. I started a little one at www.babycenter.com but I don't know if I'll make that one public. We're crib and furniture shopping at the moment. It's a tough decision. Do we go for the simple nursery furniture that can be "offloaded" when we move after law school? Or, do we go for the more furniture furniture stuff that we'd move, but should last us through a few kids and then some? The first instinct is the latter. We're looking at www.munirefurniture.com. But, there are so many other options. You start to over think everything after a while. I know that Baby Baden doesn't care one way or the other!! If we do want to order Munire however, we have to do it soon, because I hear it can take up to 3 months to get the furniture in! Yikes.

OK, well -- some cookies are calling my name. Cookies and fruit... I suppose there are worse things to crave!

Now that I'm feeling better, there should be more updates forthcoming!

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