
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Holy Moly Att-Man

Can you believe it? We've been a family of three for an entire month!! These past few weeks have been a blur. Atticus is growing by leaps and bounds, Greg is interviewing like a mad man and I'm just trying to keep up.

My Mom (the new Bubbe) has been down in Austin this week helping out while Greg is jetsetting across the US. It's been great having her here because it's given me the chance to get out of the house a bit. I actually made it to BRU (I'm so familiar with the place now - I don't have to call it by it's full name of Babies R US) to pick up some remaining items, I got my hair cut, took the truck into the body shop (there was that slight run in with the cement wall in the parking garage when I was soooo sick), and today -- the post office. Big news, I know - but hey - when you don't get out much, even the few blocks to the post office is exciting.
Tomorrow, my Mom and I will stop in Georgetown and pick up my Grandparents and then head to Dallas. I'm still trying to retrieve files from my old laptop to put on the new laptop. I was hoping that would be completed so I could return the old laptop to the IT guys when I stop by the office. We'll see. The process is going much slower than anticipated since I keep getting interrupted by a hungry newborn. :-)

Greg's interviews are going well. (Surprise, surprise) and he was even able to meet up with some friends in LA to catch a LA Dodgers game with Rob and his son Liam. We're hoping he's able to meet up with a few other friends in San Fran tomorrow night before heading back to Texas.

I have posted some new pictures to Picassa and there will be many more after this weekend! But, for the masses, here is one of my favorite recent pictures of Greg and Atti.

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