
Thursday, November 27, 2008

Where to Begin

A lot has been going on lately. And - believe it or not, I do actually have some photos to prove it. Of course, they're not online yet... but they're close.

Atti is now sleeping in the big boy crib. I know! I was a little nervous the first night, but he seems to have taken to sleeping in there without much fuss. We did get the little foam wedge things that keep him from rolling over from his back to stomach. We did this only because he's gotten really good at flipping over from the back to belly -- but belly to back is not his strong suit just yet and we didn't want him to get stuck in the middle of the night. He doesn't seem to mind the wedges, but it does force him to sleep all night with his hands up by his head.

He's also "talking" quite a bit more these days. He'll start to babble and then just keep going if you encourage him. It's as if he's just now finding his voice and figuring out he can make sounds other than screaming. :-) This is a good thing.

Then... there's the drool. Seriously, if I could bottle drool and sell it for medicinal purposes or to a study lab or something, I'd be a millionaire. Atticus has definitely moved into the drooly baby stage. He wears a bib now whenever we go out and I have a spare or two in the diaper bag as well. I suppose it's a good thing that he's willing to chew on terry cloth - it should make the teething easier. My friend Melanie suggested wetting and freezing a corner of a washcloth so that he can chew on it once the teething starts.

Atti also picked out a new toy for himself the other day at the baby store. It was quite amusing. I was looking for something that he could hold easily and put in his mouth (since it appears that most everything is headed for his mouth these days). I handed him this toy and he has held fast to this thing, the Winkel. He held onto the toy the entire time we were in Babies R Us and for the past few days as well. Figures my son would have expensive tastes! Personally, I'm in love with a ton of toys on the FAO website, especially this dinosaur! Does it not look like sooooo much fun?

Well... we're off in a few minutes to do Thanksgiving at the UT Law School with Dean Seagar and his wife Professor Cohen. Later tonight is the UT v A&M football game. It'll be the first home game Greg and I have been to this semester. It should be fun. Nikki and Zoe are coming over to babysit Atticus. Atti will have fun with his cousin Zoe and Aunt Nikki I'm sure.

I promise to get the pictures up on Picasa very soon. There are a ton of great pics with Atti smiling! Yay!!

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