
Monday, December 22, 2008


This past Thursday was Greg's last law school final of the semester. To celebrate the end of the semester and several birthdays (Sandra, Carl and myself) a big group of us all went out to dinner at Benihana. Atticus was a trooper. He didn't want to sit in his car seat - but there were plenty of people willing to play "pass the baby" so that everyone could eat. And eat eat eat we did! I seriously felt like Michael Phelps that night with the amount of food that was served. Sushi, miso soup, salad, shrimp -- all that and we hadn't even hit the main courses!! Add in some chicken, steak, veggies and fried rice... oh, and then maybe for kicks orange sherbert and strawberry fried ice cream. Thank my lucky stars for the benefits of nursing!

Friday night, we went to the Trail of Lights. That proved to be more of an adventure than we were looking for! Sandra, Michael and Raija all came to our house and then we loaded up in the Expedition. We made it downtown to the shuttle pick-up, bought our shuttle tickets and boarded the bus. Then we sat. And sat. And sat. The traffic was INSANE! It took us over an hour to go a few miles to the entrance to the Trail. Thank goodness Atticus actually napped on the bus. I was really worried. Our plans to stroll the Trail and make it home by bed time were out the window. The lights were great - and would have been even better if we hadn't been rushing through to get home. I feel a bit like our friends got the short end of the stick by riding with us and having to hurry through because of Atti.

There were a few other outings over the weekend to get in some last minute holiday shopping... but nothing too noteworthy. The most exciting part of the weekend was "teaching" Atti how to crawl. Greg and I spent alot of time on the floor over the weekend encouraging and helping the little man inch his way across the floor. Tonight, I held Atticus up under his arms and he "walked" to Greg. I think my son is a genius. :-) Really, he may skip the the whole crawling stage and go straight to walking.

Well, it's after 10 pm and it's time for bed. I'll post more tomorrow about Atti's first two nights of Hanukkah! There are some new pictures posted to the Baden Family Photos, with more to come.

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