
Monday, December 22, 2008

He Who Smelt It

Dude. For still being a generally small person... this kid can produce some STINK! I'm a little frightened for the plane ride. All those poor people with recirculated stinky air!! No joke, on the car ride home from Dallas last week I actually had to roll down the windows while driving on the highway. Yeozers. (I'm sure Atti will love me 15 years from now for sharing this detail...)

One the upside, we've started giving Atticus Mylicon drops which seem to be doing wonders. I also picked up some Hyland's Teething Tablets which are giving him some relief as well. The timing for the teething isn't the best - but what can you do? I've given Atticus the tablets before his nap and before bed and it really seems to be helping a ton. Actually, last night... you ready for this? He slept all on his own from 9 pm - 6 am.

Pausing for the gasps and the ooooohs and aaaaaaahs.

I know. It gets better. I then fed him and woke up Greg and asked Greg to entertain him while I went back to bed for another hour. It was absolutely delightful.

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