
Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Circle of Life

First I heard that my friend Kristy lost her Grandpa late last night. Then, this morning, it was reported the Farrah Fawcet passed away after a battle with cancer. And just before dinner, the shocking news that Michael Jackson passed away from cardiac arrest.

The bright spot of the day, my dear friend Jeanne Wallace and her husband welcomed their third child, Joseph Bradley, into the world late last night. Everyone is doing well.

Atticus is entering the Mom Mom Mom stage. Everything is all about the Mama. If he can't see me, poor guy is not a happy camper. I think stranger anxiety would be easier to deal with rather than the Mama separation anxiety! It also breaks my heart when I have to leave him at daycare and he just starts wailing. I know he has fun at daycare, but it's still hard. I have gotten to see the fruits of his labor. I hope they let us keep some of the artwork! I took a picture of his "feet fish" with the iPhone. I'll try to upload it to the June folder perhaps over the weekend. Atticus is also getting really good at standing. He'll use a box, your leg, the coffee table, anything to pull/push up to a standing position and then let go. This evening he stood unassisted for quite a while, even waving his arms around and turning his body to look at both Greg and I. Walking is not too far off...

What else is going on you ask? Hmmmmm..... Bubbe Hadd is coming up to New York for Atti's 1st birthday. I'm not sure really what to do about a birthday party. Something in Dallas on our way back to Austin? Something in Austin once we're home? It's not so much the actual party -- but I want to have some great memories and photos to put in the baby book! Of course we'll do the classic birthday cake in the highchair photos here in NYC, but what about the balloons, presents, friends? I'll keep everyone in the loop once I figure out what we're doing. I can tell you that I ordered a really stinking cute bib for Atti. Look HERE. I got it in blue polka dots/green stripes. And well, since I couldn't resist, I also ordered this onesie. :-)

Well, I'm sure I could babble on here for a while longer - but it's time to fold the laundry and get ready for tomorrow. More updates, photos and stories after the weekend (should be museums, book clubs, and more)!

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