
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Busy Little Bees

Wow. We've been pretty busy over the past few days. :-) Greg had quite the adventure on Friday going out to the US Open. Seems you are under no circumstances, do not pass go, do not collect $200, allowed to bring a cell phone to the US Open. You can't even bring it onto the shuttle bus that takes you from the subway to the US Open. For mere mortals this probably wouldn't be THAT big of an issue. For the partner (attorney dude) who's on his way to meet with the general counsel of the USGA (US Golf Assoc) it's a deal breaker. After much discussion and several supervisor's and supervisor's supervisors - Greg and crew were allowed to keep their BlackBerry phones -- but they had to take a cab and not the shuttle bus thing. Sounds good, right? Well.... they arrived at Will Call to pick up their access passes and tickets. The problem is that the only taxi drop off location is next to Will Call #1 and their passes were at Will Call #2. The only way to get to Will Call #2 is to cut through the actual course - which is impossible to do without passes! That is some piss poor planning if you as me. So, by the time Greg and crew convinced all the right people that they were supposed to be meeting Mr. BigWig USGA guy and they made it to the correct Will Call window (after slogging through the muddy golf course) it was close to noon. Yikes. It took them 2 hours from the time they departed the subway to actually meet with the right person.

My Friday was not nearly so eventful. Atticus had an OK day at daycare -- he apparently didn't sleep much and also stood up using one of the walls and then fell to his tush knocking his head against the wall. I didn't see any evidence of the fall however and our evening went pretty smooth.

Saturday morning we went for brunch, and then hung out at home for a bit to wait out the rain. The temperature here in NYC has been great, but I'm so over the rain! It finally cleared up and Greg, Atticus and I hit the streets with no real destination in mind. We hopped the subway heading south and got off in SoHo/Greenwich Village. We wandered past shops galore! We went into the Apple store to take a look around. Not sure that was the best idea considering the fact that the new phone was just released. The store was quite busy! We continued to wander a bit - past some cool galleries, some funky little boutique shops, an awesome old school acapella quartet singing on the corner... We ended up stopping for dinner at a little Italian place on Spring Street. I couldn't even tell you the name of the place, but it was great. We were sitting "outside" under the awning -- despite the sprinkley rain. The staff were great and very accommodating to all three of us. They even brought a small plate of plain spaghetti noodles just for Atticus. This is actually where it gets pretty funny. Atticus has never had just plain noodles. I was tearing the noodles into inch long pieces for him, but he still wasn't quite sure what to make of them. He'd put a few into his mouth, roll them around a bit, look at us kind of puzzled, and then swallow. I hadn't planned on being out for dinner and and hence (bad Mom) hadn't packed any baby food into the diaper bag. Atticus was in a great mood and being all kinds of giggly. And when he laughed... little pieces of noodle came shooting out onto the table which of course made Greg and I laugh, which made Atti laugh even more. The other patrons had to be wondering what in the world we were doing! (Especially the well dressed couple with their granddaughter? daughter?...) This doesn't sound nearly as amusing as I type it up -- but it really was a great time. And -- just to make the night a little more authentic, as we were dining and giggling Mike Meyers walked past our table. Wearing a hoodie and chatting with a friend. Crazy, huh? Mr. Austin Powers, Saturday Night Live, etc etc just strolling by on a Saturday evening.

Today was Father's Day. Fearing crazy crowds for breakfast, Atticus and I took a stroll to Dunkin Donuts. :-) We came home with some sandwiches, munchkins and two large coffees. Yum. Then, once again - we waited for the rain to abate. A stroll around the theater district, a few errands, and then home to watch the Formula 1 race. Now... one would think that by 3pm EST my darling son would by itching to take a nap since he woke up at 7am. Not so much. This little guy actually went 12 hours straight today with NO nap. Not even 30 minutes. I'm not sure what to do. We try to keep to the schedule as much as humanly possible every day of the week... He got up on time, we played, we walked, we snacked, we tried to lay down, we got back up, we lunched, we played, we walked tried to lay down again... Our only mishap of the day happened early this morning. Our neighbors are loaning us a play table for the remainder of our time here. It's a cool table with levers and knobs and bright buttons that play music. Atti was standing up playing and whacking away and I stepped into the bathroom to grab a tissue. Then I heard a terrible scream - any mother's worst nightmare!! Atticus had pulled the table over on top of himself. I think he bonked himself across the bridge of the nose. :-( Throughout the day a little bruise started appearing over his nose. Add that to the self inflicted scratch across the nose and the additional scratch above his eye... my poor little guy looks like he's had a rough weekend!

Sigh. After dinner tonight and a quick bath, Atticus passed out cold about 45 minutes early. Phew. Tomorrow - we start all over again.

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