
Thursday, June 18, 2009

NYC Adventures Continue

Yesterday we did a lot of walking. The weather was a bit cool - (which I still find surprising since I know it's 100+ in Austin) - so after Atticus and I enjoyed a 2 hour mid morning nap (soooo nice) we took to the streets. We wandered across town to 5th Avenue and then up towards Central Park. The end goal was FAO Schwartz. I need to google to see if the store has moved since its launch here in NYC. The store was awesome, don't get me wrong... but it wasn't what I remembered from the movie BIG. Could be that I haven't seen the movie in 15+ years... but I remember it being more impressive. Ha. As if 3 stories of toys isn't impressive!

But alas... even a great nap, a ton of walking and a toy store can't stop the teething pain. Poor little man had a rough night. I can feel his top right tooth bulging under the gum. I think it's really getting to him now. The drool factor is at a 10X normal, the crankiness is at about 10X normal and now his nose is running which is making it hard to breathe when he's laying down. :-( He was pretty inconsolable for several hours last night. No Mama, no paci, no crib, no nothing was helping... Right now, I've got 3 pacis in the the freezer for when he wakes up in the middle of the night. We did give him a half dose of Tylenol before bed. Figured maybe it would take the edge off enough for him to get some sleep.

In other adventure news... Greg is heading to the US Open tomorrow. Must be nice. He's also going to Belmont Park next week. I think he's rather enjoying his summer internship! The work and the perks of work are quite nice. Of course, they're still trying to "woo" him at the moment and there will be long hours involved in some high stake deals in the future, but for now, it's a lot of sunshine and roses!!

A friend of mine from Club Med is performing over the next couple of months in production of Shakespeare In The Park. This isn't the official Public Theater version of Shakespeare in the Park, but any literary classic that involves the park sounds fabulous to me! So perhaps that will be one of our outings over the weekend if the rain stays away. I can see why Central Park is so popular with locals and tourists alike! Other potential weekend plans include Prospect Park Zoo and perhaps a nice Father's Day brunch!

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